The company was established in 1967 in Thessaloniki, Greece. The original objective was to import and distribute scientific products and technologies in the wider area of Northern Greece. Soon, a greater vision would be realized through the creation of a customer focused company aiming at the acceleration of scientific evolution in Southeastern Europe.

Today, after 5 decades of serving scientists and researchers at the health, academic and industrial sectors, ANTISEL has become the leading and most recognized partner for scientific equipment and services in Southeastern Europe with a strong team of more than 150 specialists in their field.

During the course of the years we have adapted our structure and operations to meet the growing needs of the scientific community. Right now we take pride in being able to provide each one of our customers with a total solution concept tailored to their needs, from customer support to application specialists, and from a proficient logistics to a -second to none- technical service department.

ANTISEL is today a uniquely positioned international organization with an exceptionally promising future. The company has expanded its partnerships and now covers the entire territory of  Southeastern Europe. However our core values and principles have remained unchanged since the day one of ANTISEL, October 16th 1967. For more than 50 years we have been listening to our customers, sharing their concerns as well as their excitement, and committing all our efforts in helping them to make a difference. This is it. This is us!

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